A counter a local cafe in Australia
A counter a local cafe in Australia

Discover local Australian flavours

Go on a journey and devour Australia’s most excellent food and wine. Taste local Australian produce. Gastronomic flavours. A modern blend of a mix of international cuisines. World-class wine. Craft beers. Cider and whiskeys. Artisan food from the farmer’s market. Home-grown vegetables and tropical fruits. The world’s best oysters. And more.

Savour fish and chips - Aussie style, by the beach. Sample wine at the world-renowned Barossa Valley. Have brunch at a cafe under the shady trees and sunshine of Saint Kilda. Try a freshly baked spinach roll from the bakery. Enjoy a barbecue in the park. Taste Australia’s finest seafood. Whatever your flavour, Australia has something for you.

What is Australian cuisine?

When travelling around Australia, you will notice many new and enticing things to try. From native ingredients and the Aussie favourites to exciting fusions and Australian chefs that really celebrate the locally-grown produce. We have listed some of the most popular and a few of the less unknown.

Australia is filled with special and unique dining experiences
Absorb the Aussie lifestyle during your holiday to Australia

Native ingredients

Would you like to try real and authentic Australian flavours? There are some very special ingredients that are uniquely Australian. Add them to some of your dishes during your journey through Australia, for a real Aussie infusion. Here are a few to keep an eye out for:

Are you ready to enjoy the unique flavours of the Australian landscape?
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Learn about how Indigenous Australians also used plants for medicinal purposes

Traditional - Bush ‘tucker’

For over 40,000 years, Indigenous Australians have been using the land to provide themselves with a staple diet. During your trip to Australia, be sure to taste traditional Indigenous food. Known as ‘bush tucker,’ Aboriginals lived on a high protein diet. And they used techniques such as spearfishing and hunting to source food.

Insects such as witchetty grubs were popular. You can also see these little creepy crawlies featured in many Aboriginal paintings. It was the most important insect food in the desert and was a major staple in their diets. Learn more about bush tucker (food) with our knowledgeable and local guides in Australia. They can’t wait to show you their part of the world.

Aboriginal fishing | Australia cultural holiday
Learn how to spearfish with one of our local Indigenous guides


Aussies love to barbecue! It is a huge part of their lifestyle and is often referred to as ‘barbie.’ It’s especially enjoyed in the summertime with a cold beer in hand. Some of the more traditional meat cooked is steak, sausages (also known as ‘snags’), lamp chomps and rissoles. The meat is usually served with cold salads, sauce, bread and fresh seafood.

Also, it's typical to find a barbecue's cooking sausages and onions, outside large hardware stores. You eat the sausage and onion in a piece of bread - That’s a ‘sausage sizzle’!

Would you like to experience an Aussie-style barbecue? Australia has ‘free’ barbecues all over the country. Relax in a shaded park and soak up the Aussie lifestyle. And keep your eye out for native wildlife including a large assortment of birds. Be sure to use the region's best locally produced products too!

'Fry a shrimp on the barbie' is a well-known saying but actually isn't something Aussies really do!
Savour an Aussie barbecue, prepared by local chefs surrounded by the Aussie bush

Aussie favourites

Aussies are proud of their food and which products they claim to be Aussie. Here are a few:

Fish and chips | New Zealand holiday
Eat fish & chips, Aussie-style - by the beach
Pavlova | Australia holiday
Pavlova is a classic Aussie dessert


Do you love seafood? Australia is sure to tantalise your tastebuds. A large part of the Aussie culture revolves around seafood. Australia’s seafood includes freshly caught lobster, tuna, oysters, sardines, salmon, prawns and more. At Christmas, Australians love fresh prawns. Well, actually at any time of the year! There are plenty of restaurants that specialise in seafood dishes.

A hand taking an oyster off a natural wooden board
Try the freshest oysters at Bruny Bay, an authentic experience
Fish is a staple item in the Australian diet


Australia has a fantastic coffee culture. It's not just in the dishes that Australians are innovative, they're also innovative in the coffee world. On almost every street corner of an Australian city, you can enjoy a quality cup of coffee. How about an Australian flat white or the so-called speciality coffees?

Experience the vibrant coffee culture of Melbourne and order a 'flat white'
Marvel at the 'coffee art' found throughout Australia


Australia has over 60 wine regions to explore. The majority can be found in Victoria and New South Wales. Some renowned regions are the Hunter Valley, Barossa Valley, Margaret River and Yarra Valley.

Australia is the fifth largest exporter of wine in the world. The country successfully grows a range of grapes but Shiraz may be the one worth mentioning. Which is your favourite?

What is your favourite Australian wine?
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Discover more about Australia